PrintNinja - online printing made easy for creators

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Customs, Taxes, and Duties

This article will teach you about the shipping logistics that come into play when you print with PrintNinja.

All customs, duties, and taxes for orders being delivered to the US and Canada are included in our pricing, and we handle all necessary importing paperwork. All other orders shipped to locations outside the United States may be subject to import taxes, customs duties, and fees imposed by the destination country.

For many other destination countries, we can guide you through the complex world of customs. We may also provide you with a freight carrier who can coordinate the shipping through the customs process. When you recieve a quote from us, you will see a notice if we have specific importing systems for your country. The note will contain information regarding what information (Passport, Driver’s License, Business Number etc.) you will need to provide to our carrier and what fees (Goods and Sales Tax, Value-added Tax etc.) will be charged.

For some countries we are not able to provide a carrier because we do not have a connected route. In this case you will need to provide your own freight carrier.

The following countries have easy and mostly painless import processes, which we’re happy to handle for you. Our shipping capacity is not limited to the following. If you need to ship somewhere not listed below, don’t hesitate to ask how we can make that possible for you -we’ll figure out how to handle the shipping logistics!

Shipping Container Used in International Ocean Shipping


Australia charges a 10% Goods and Service Tax, which is not included in our quotes. PrintNinja cannot collect this directly, instead it will be collected by our freight carrier before delivery. They will need a copy of your Australian Business Number, Passport, or Driver’s License in order to collect and file this Goods and Service Tax on your behalf.

You need an Australian Business Number, Passport, or Driver’s license, but no customs broker. Carrier will collect 10% Goods and Service Tax.


Your PrintNinja quote will include a 6% Import Fee, which covers all brokerage fees, duties and taxes. We handle 100% of the shipping and import requirements needed to deliver your project to your door.

New Zealand

New Zealand charges a 15% Goods and Services Tax, which is not included in our quotes. PrintNinja cannot collect this directly, instead it will be collected by our freight carrier before delivery.

The freight carrier will collect 15% Goods and Service Tax, you don’t need a local broker or to provide the carrier with any information.

United Kingdom

You must have or apply for a valid Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EROI)—a fancy way of saying import-and-export business ID#—at least 10 days before the shipment is delivered.

Our freight carrier will need your Economic Operator Registration and Identification number to complete delivery of your books. Delays in providing this information to the carrier may result in storage charges, so please have your Economic Operator Registration and Identification number ready in order to receive delivery.

Books are duty free and VAT rated 0%, but games are duty free and VAT rated 20%.

UPS Warehouse China

Warehousing and Fulfillment

But wait, there’s more to learn about shipping logistics! You can choose to do split shipping and send a portion of your order to our U.S. warehouse. There are no taxes or duties to be paid on these copies, and we can fulfill any orders you have in the U.S. market. Check out how our warehousing and fulfillment service could benefit you

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