PrintNinja - online printing made easy for creators

Our customer service team has helped deliver more than seven million pieces to happy customers around the world. Lean more about that team and quote your printing project today!

Satisfaction Pledge

At PrintNinja, we believe you should know exactly how we can ensure your happiness as a valued client – and that’s why we provide our PrintNinja guarantee.

Our Promise

When you place an order with us, the final result will be accurate to the specifications found in your quote and be constructed with the best possible methods using only the highest quality materials.

If anything on our end of the process does not match what you chose, we’ll make it right with a refund or reprint, with the exceptions outlined in the section below.

On projects where only a portion of the order is affected, such as damage during shipping, we reserve the right to offer a prorated refund or reprint reflective of the amount of copies damaged.

We trust you to bring us exactly what you want, and you can trust us to make it happen. That’s how our PrintNinja guarantee works.

Some Exceptions

Even the smallest, most straightforward printing job is made up of several unique elements that can’t all be considered equal when it comes to customer satisfaction. Because of this, there are a few exceptions to what we can guarantee.

Color Matching

Due to the variances inherent in the color offset printing process, we cannot guarantee the colors on your final project will match what you see on your monitor or your own test copies.

The way to get the best idea of how your colors will come out is a hardcopy proof, but even then projects will exhibit small color variances due to the nature of 4-color (full color CMYK) process printing.

We also kindly ask that all files be submitted in CMYK format. If not, RGB colors will be converted during the proofing process which will result in changes to the colors’ appearance.

Prepress Check Overrides

PrintNinja prides itself on our extensive series of prepress checks, which are designed to catch the vast majority of common technical (non-creative) printing issues.

You may send your project to press without fixing the issues PrintNinja has brought to your attention, but if you choose to do so then we cannot cover any problems that arise from those issues with our guarantee.

Delivery Dates

Due to fluctuations in weather, port conditions, and random customs inspections, we can never guarantee exact delivery dates for standard shipments. All turnaround times given are approximations.

For expedited shipments, we have a Premium Expedited option that can bring the 1-week expedited turnaround down to about 3 days. These shipments must be custom quoted and your timeline must be confirmed with your account manager before your order is placed.

Creative Decisions

Your project’s words and images, and how they’re organized and prepared for production, are a matter of your own creative decisions.

While our team of printing experts can work with you to resolve certain graphic and layout issues before printing, we honor the idea that the content and design you finally submit to us is exactly what you want to us to produce.

Because of this, our PrintNinja guarantee does not cover typos or any other content-related problems, and PrintNinja does not check for these issues in our prepress checks.

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