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Non-Standard Sized Playing Cards

Non-standard sized playing cards arre any square or rectangular-shaped card that requires a width and length not associated with a commonly used card, such as poker or tarot.

Cost-Efficient Card Dies

Non-standard sized playing cards are cut to size using a die. Dies are metal blades that cut through paper by applying heavy pressure. We have many pre-made custom die sizes in stock, as listed below. If you don’t see the die size you are looking for, never fear, we can create a brand new die to your specs. However, creating a new die will add a significant cost to your project, approximately $500. If you would like to keep costs low, we recommend choosing from our selection.

Cost-Efficient Card Counts

You can also cut costs by choosing the right card count. We discuss this in our card count section, but it’s worth repeating.

The offset method prints all of your cards onto one large parent sheet. Cost is directly correlated to the number of parent sheets needed for your project. In the “Custom Die Sizes in Stock” section below, the parentheses show how many cards fit onto one parent sheet based on die size. You will be able to cut costs by making your card game equal to or less than the number of cards that can fit on one sheet.

For example, if you use a 2.45″ x 3.45″ die – which can fit 55 cards on one sheet – you may want to limit your game to 55 cards or less.

If you don’t see what you’re looking for we can create a custom sized playing card.

Custom Die Sizes in Stock

  • 3.95″ x 1″ (104/sheet)
  • 2.45″ x 3.45″ (55/sheet)
  • 2.25″ x 3.45″ (55/sheet)
  • 2.15″ x 3.15″ (55/sheet)
  • 2″ x 3.25″ (55/sheet)
  • 2.4″ x 4.5″ (44/sheet)
  • 2.45″ x 3.9″ (44/sheet)
  • 3.85″ x 2.9″ (36/sheet)
  • 2.95″ x 4.1″ (36/sheet)
  • 2.8″ x 4.4″ (36/sheet)
  • 5.1″ x 3.35″ (24/sheet)
  • 5″ x 3.5″ (24/sheet)
  • 4.75″ x 3.5″ (24/sheet)
  • 5.5″ x 3.75″ (21/sheet)
  • 4″ x 6″ (21/sheet)
  • 4″ x 5″ (21/sheet)
  • 4.3″ x 6.3″ (12/sheet)

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