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Quality Assurance

On-site Quality Assurance Offset Printing Facility

Most printing facilities will have a Quality Assurance department responsible for inspecting all printed parent sheets during the press run, monitoring the final product for defects, and flagging any issues early on in order to deter waste.

Book Quality Control

The quality control team follows the standards set by the printing facility, who ultimately decides the quality the product is required to meet. These quality assurance experts will sign off on color, bindery, and press runs by testing your product at random, during different steps of the process.

Game Quality Control

Printed game pieces (game boards, cards, tokens etc.) follow the same quality control measures as books from prepress to pulling printed sheets off the press.

Card game assembly has a few extra steps to ensure consistency. Operators will insert blank pages in-between the full printed card game sheets. When blank cards appear, this signals to operators that the deck they are assembling is ending and a new deck is starting. Each deck once assembled in their packaging is then weighted to make sure a card is not missing or vice versa there’s no extra card.

Game pieces we use have passed safety tests. However, if you need paperwork to present to a retailer or distributor that proves your game is safe to sell then you’ll have to re-run the safety test on your specific game as a whole.