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Country of Origin Marking

Learn more about what a country of origin marking is and why you have to include one in your Chinese printed project.

Printed In China Origin Book Marking

Projects printed in China are required by both international and national laws to have the country they were printed in on them. Here at PrintNinja, while you’ll be communicating with our team in Evanston, Illinois, your project will actually be printed in China. Because of this, your project must have “Printed in PRC” or “Printed in China” on it somewhere (PRC is short for “People’s Republic of China”). This is standard for all printing projects in China, and it is mandatory to include.

If your project has a copyright or credits page or lists your organization’s address, this is a good location for this.

Laws also require the text be “conspicuous” so we recommend a type size of at least 8 points and a text color that has adequate contrast between it and the background. Don’t try to beat the system by hiding it!

By including the country of origin in your printing project, you will be following all required rules, thus setting yourself up for success and a smooth process.

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